Iron: The powerhouse of the body  

Been wondering what the big deal is about iron and wellbeing? Let us iron out the details for you.  

Iron is an essential nutrient for wellbeing, it does so much behind the scenes to keep you feeling at your best. Iron helps you maintain energy, keeps your immune system going strong, reduces feelings of tiredness or fatigue and aids in brain power, allowing you to stay focused in class.  

Iron is the key player in making sure oxygen can get to where it needs to throughout the body, helping oxygen to travel from the lungs to your muscles and organs. Oxygen is essential to life which is why iron is a big deal.  

So, where do you get this powerhouse nutrient?  

Iron is a mineral found in two different forms in food. Haem iron, found in animal sources and non-haem, which is mainly found in plant sources. 

There is a difference between haem iron and non-haem iron. Haem iron is a bit easier to absorb, thanks to the MFP (Meat-Fish-Poultry) factor that is found in animal products. But that doesn't mean plant sources are out of the game. There are strategies to make sure you're getting the most iron bang for your bite. 

Let’s talk about enhancers and inhibitors - the friends and frenemies of iron, foods that help or hinder its absorption. 

  • Enhancers are foods with Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps iron absorption by making sure your body grabs as much iron as it can. So, the plan is simple: eat iron-packed foods with some vitamin C-rich buddies. 

  • Inhibitors are food components that can make iron harder for the body to absorb. These include tannins, phytates and calcium.  

  • Tannins are found in tea and coffee and can reduce iron absorption by up to 50%. Easy move? Don't invite tannins to your iron-rich feasts, keep your meals and cups of tea separate by a couple of hours. 

  • Phytates are found in wholegrains, nuts and legumes. Calcium is found in dairy food such as milk and has many roles in the body. These foods are necessary in a balanced diet, we don’t want to leave them off the table. The good news is that vitamin C can reduce the effect of inhibitors. So, if your meal has these inhibitors boost it with vitamin C! For example, if you’ve got weet-bix and milk for breakfast, add on a kiwifruit or mandarin.  

Did you know? Our bodies are smarter than we may give them credit for and will adapt the level of iron absorbed depending on your iron status. Someone who is iron deficient (anaemic) can absorb 20-30% of dietary iron, compared to the usual amount of only 5-10%. So, help your body do what it needs to do and make sure you are eating good sources of iron!  

Food Sources

  • Haem iron: Beef, Lamb, Pork, Chicken, Fish, Shellfish (Mussels are a particularly good source!).

  • Non-Haem iron: Tofu, Beans, Lentils, Dark-Leafy Greens, Brocolli, Peas, Oats, Wholemeal Bread, Fortified Cereals, Seeds, Walnuts, Peanuts, Tinned Tomatoes. 

  • Vitamin C: Citrus fruit (Mandarins, Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons), Kiwifruit, Berries, Capsicum, Tomato, Cabbage.

What happens when we are low on iron?  

If you're running low on iron, it can feel like your battery's running low. The signs and symptoms can feel like you’re just having a meh day but don't brush them off - your body might be trying to let you know what’s going on. This infographic gives you an easy way to assess common symptoms! If you think this relates to you, talk to your GP about your levels.  

Other considerations 

You may need to think about iron a bit more if these situations relate to you. There are aspects of life that mean we may use more iron or not get enough iron daily.  

For athletes, iron is essential for performance, and more is used up during exercise. If you menstruate, having monthly bleed can increase your iron needs through losses. Have a look at our blog post about Nutrient Needs & The Menstrual Cycle for more ways to support your wellbeing throughout your cycle.

Overall, aim to eat a balanced diet that includes food from all food groups for wellbeing across the board! If you’re plant-based, an athlete, or menstruating then harness the strategies we talked about to get the most from iron.  


In summary, iron is your body's star player. It fuels your hustle, supports your journey, and keeps your body going. Give your body the iron it deserves and keep the energy flowing! Want to dig deeper? Check out 


Australia New Zealand food standards code – Schedule 4 – Nutrition, health, and related claims. (2017). Federal Register of Legislation. 

A Focus on Nutrition: Key Findings of the 2008/09 New Zealand Adult Nutrition Survey. (2011). Ministry of Health NZ. 

Key Micronutrient Challenges for Aotearoa. (2020). Activity & Nutrition Aotearoa. 

Nutrient Reference Values: Iron. (2005). National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia) and Ministry of Health (New Zealand). 

Raymond, J. L., & Morrow, K. (2019). Medical Nutrition Therapy for Anemia. In Krause's food & the nutrition care process. Saunders.